12 Sectors
This first video is a short reminder of where we are now in the Permaculture Decision Making Matrix. This provides the context for what’s next.
- Intro to Permaculture: Permaculture Decision Making Matrix Sectors – Video Transcript
- Introdução a Permacultura: Matriz de Decisões na Permacultura – Tradução Português
Sector Compass
In this video, we delve into sector analysis and demonstrate the creation of a “Sector Compass”, a tool we use to map the sectors for a site. A new sector-mapping application was created especially for this book. The relevance of sectors for site analysis will be emphasized repeatedly throughout this book.
- Intro to Permaculture: Sector Compass Demonstration – Video Transcript
- Introdução a Permacultura: Demonstração dos Setores de Compasso – Tradução Português
Explore Sector Resources
Explore sectors by clicking on the links below. The idea with these links is for you to learn more about the way forces behave so you can more effectively map them on your site. We’re talking about wildfire, wind, noise, and others.
Site Analysis
- Things to Notice During Site Analysis
- Permaculture Assessment Phase: Quick Summary
- Sector Analysis Overview
- List of Site Analysis Elements
- Brief Overview: Wildfire Patterns by Region
- Global Fire Map
- Global Fire History Search
- Video: Fire Behavior In the Wildland/Urban Interface
- Firewise: Home Ignition Zone
- Local Pollutants
- EPA Toxic Industry Map (inactive link as of 05/17/2021)
- National Pollutants Google Earth Layer (inactive link as of 05/17/2021)
- Local Sites of Pollution (inactive link as of 05/17/2021)
- Air Quality Forecast
- World Crime Index Map
- World Crime Index Ranking
- Trees and Trash Impact Neighborhood Crime (inactive link as of 05/17/2021)
- City Repair: Building Community
Wildlife Corridors
- Landscape Design For Wildlife (inactive link as of 05/17/2021)
- Nature ID Guide