
27 Where to From Here?

Join our guest from British Columbia Permaculture, Javan Bernakevitch, as he provides some direction about how to take this information and do something useful with it! Javan offers a challenge for you to complete after this book, so watch the videos and participate in the 10/10/100 challenge.

We have offered information to fill your minds and your heart with inspiration – but what do you do with all that? Our guest Javan K. Bernakevitch has spent years working with Permaculture students to answer that question, providing students with a framework to figure out ‘where to from here?’. Enjoy the video and discover your own ‘Zones of Brilliance’ and your next steps after this course.

10/10/100 Challenge

Javan and the whole Intro to Permaculture team are challenging you to make something real out of this book in the 10 days following the end of your reading. Watch this video to get the details and come up with your own idea for the challenge!

10/10/100 Challenge Facebook Page

Further Permaculture Education

As mentioned in the video, there are a number of ways of learning where and what to do next regarding education in permaculture. Permaculture is a gateway. It’s a way to make sense of the world and bring in many different disciplines for the same goal. To take more responsibility for ourselves and for that of our children and community.

The Permaculture Design Course was and is the flag ship way of learning about permaculture. This can be taken in the traditional residential course where you go to class every day, or even live where the course is being held. Part time courses are held as well to accommodate modern schedules. Further accommodating courses, like the Oregon State University’s online PDC, provide a 10 week, academically rigorous course with a low student to instructor ratio, that focuses on comprehension and design.

Other courses have long term immersions of months or even years.

Find the course that’s a best fit for you, in your ecology and for what you think you would like to do with your permaculture knowledge. Remember you don’t DO permaculture, you USE permaculture in what you do.

From there you can intern at a specific site or learn more about your specific Zones of Brilliance and native niches, reaching out to mentors and instructors that are specific to your niche.

Life Design – Zones of Brilliance

Thanks for making it through the book. In a world of increasing variability and volatility, most come to permaculture to learn about the solutions that can help the world and by effect, each other.

It’s easy to look at others and think, “That’s what I should do”, yet it’s our gifts, passions, and focus that we bring into permaculture which can be our greatest offering to our community.

The first video above explains one part of a three part process Javan created to help individuals use permaculture design, patterns, strategies and techniques to create their own right livelihood. A livelihood that is within their ethics and beliefs.

Coming from an overdeveloped world we bring many societal beliefs with us into our work. Three major aspects that most of us were never taught, but are essential for living a right livelihood are: creating long term objectives (Map), decisions making abilities to achieve those objectives (COMPASS) and ways to reach our objectives (ROUTES).

“Where to From Here” provides the MAP, COMPASS AND ROUTES.

In this video we’ll discuss the ROUTES. These are ways you can take your interest in permaculture one step further. By observing and evaluating your inherent gifts, perennial passions, and problems you enjoy struggling with, we can discover your native niches. The places where you naturally excel, and the many ROUTES or paths that can lead to your objectives.

From here, businesses, hobbies, collaborations and further study can be engaged in. Permaculture is a broad way of looking at the world, thus it can include – EVERYTHING. That’s a lot to to take in.

Working through your Zones of Brilliance can provide a simple way to figure out your next step from here.

If you’d like to learn more about this work, visit Javan and All Points design here.

10/10/100 Challenge

Now that you’ve watched the video, here’s the deal:

Starting tomorrow, take what you’ve learned, or learn a bit more about a specific element, technique, strategy, principle or design and DO SOMETHING with it!

Improve yourself, experiment, share what you’ve learned, build, create, dive into your native niche, contact one of the organizations, instructors or individuals introduced to you in this work; make tangible the intangible of your education.

You may be an experienced individual in permaculture, or brand new… it does not matter. All are invited and all are challenged to make something of your time here.

Then, share it with others via the link above on Facebook. If you’re not on Facebook, have a friend or acquaintance post it for you.

Document your effort and post only once with:
– Photos of your work
– What you did
– Why you did it
– How it relates to permaculture
– What you’re heading towards next

Make your time here on the planet meaningful, make it important, make it yours.

If you’d like to learn more about Javan K. Bernakevitch, visit Where to from Here, All Points Land Design, through Permaculture BC or view permaculture videos on his two YouTube channels, here and here.


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Introduction to Permaculture Copyright © 2019 by Andrew Millison is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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