4 Schedule
For most students in OER, your supervisor will ask you to send them a preferred work schedule a few weeks in advance of each term and then they will let you know which computer you will be working on.
The expectation is that you will provide a consistent schedule each term. This helps us maintain a consistent student staff and plan your work. Contact your supervisor if you need to change your schedule after it is set.
The Student Work Calendar is at https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1?cid=Y182MXY2NGQzdWEwanN0Y3BjbjRsM292NnE2NEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t (old calendar archive: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/b/1?cid=b29zdGF0ZXNjaGVkdWxpbmdAZ21haWwuY29t). Please make sure that you make any adjustments to our work schedule in the Student Work Calendar and email your supervisor.
It is your responsibility to update the calendar if your schedule changes and to notify your supervisor.
Bi-weekly Meetings
We will have bi-weekly meetings. Please see the Student Work Calendar for the schedule and location.