6 Outlook/Email

Outlook is what you will use for your work emails (FirstName.LastName@oregonstate.edu). This is your employee email and all messages from me or the OER Unit will go to this email account.

You can access email remotely through Office365 (please see https://is.oregonstate.edu/microsoft) for initial set up.

It is important that you check this every day you are at work for important information or tasks.  Using this Outlook email can help keep your school communications separate from work so we try to use them as much as possible.

Take a few minutes to login to Outlook, access your email, and review your messages once you have access.

Setting up your Outlook account

Login to a computer using “CN\yourONID” as the username and “Blue32” as the password. You will then be prompted to create a new password. This will activate your work email account.

*If you are unable to login with this method and are using a Mac, try the same method on a Windows monitor. Once activated, you should be able to login to Outlook on both Mac and Windows.

Check your email daily

It is your responsibility to check your email regularly (daily is best) to make sure you do not miss any important information or announcements from the unit.

Common email issues

Error says “we could not find a mailbox for this recipient. Either they don’t have a mailbox or don’t have a license assigned”. This could be due to the fact your are logged into your ONID email in the browser. If this is the case open a private browser and re-try logging into the Outlook exchange site.


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