
26 Hypothesis

Hypothesis is a handy web-based annotation tool used to annotate text on websites and documents. It gives the user the ability to highlight and create notes for private or public use as well as create private groups for collaborations.


  1. In order to use the plugin online, you have to create a free account at https://hypothes.is/signup.
  2. Once the account is created, you can started to use the tool either using a chrome extension, creating a hypothesis bookmarklet or using the Pressbooks plugin version.
    1. Instruction on using the chrome extension or bookmarklet can be found at https://web.hypothes.is/start/.
  3. Once the tool is activated, the webpage or document should look like the image below with the tool activate in the top right corner.

How to use the tool:

How to use the tool is fairly simple.  To open the tool, simply click on the uppermost button showing the arrow. This will cause the tab below to appear.

Right below the arrow tab are two more buttons. The “eye” button allows the user to hide any highlighted text created by the tool while the “page” button creates a new page note.

Hypothesis offers a ‘How to get started’ guide for basic functions.

Below is an example of the highlighting option. Once the text is selected, a box will appear below offering the option to annotate or highlight. Once the highlight is created, the annotation tab will show superscript value for the number of annotations on the current page.

The page note tab will allow you to create notes and allow other users within the group to reply as shown below.

Once you start working on multiple projects, creating additional groups helps to organize your notes and annotations.

To create a new private group, click on the “arrow” button next to the group name and select “+ New private group”.


A new browser tab will open bringing you to a create a new private group page.

Once the group is created, you will have the ability to add other individual into the group using sharing link provided.

When you return to the Hypothesis tab on your webpage, the new group will appear without having to refresh the page.


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