- ! (R operator)
- ! (shebang)
- $-syntax (R),
- %>% (“not a pipe” R operator)
- %in% (R operator)
- & (R operator)
- * (shell wildcard)
- . (in R)
- . and .. (virtual directories)
- … (R),
- .bash-login (file)
- .bashrc (file)
- .git (directory)
- .gitignore (file)
- / (root directory)
- 2> redirect (bash)
- <- (R assignment)
- > or >> redirect
- ? (shell wildcard)
- [[]]-syntax (R)
- [] (Python)
- []-syntax (R)
- `+`() (as R function)
- | (R operator)
- | redirect
- pipe,
- absolute path
- aes()
- algorithms
- alpha
- annotation
- ANOVA model (R)
- any() and all() (R functions)
- append() (to a Python list)
- application programming interface
- apply() (R function)
- argv (Python list)
- arrays (R)
- as.character() (R function)
- as.numeric() (R function)
- assembly
- assert (Python)
- Atmosphere
- attach() (R function)
- attributes (R)
- AVL tree (data structure)
- awk (program),
- back-reference (regular expression)
- bash script
- big-O notation
- binary search tree (data structure)
- BioConductor (R)
- bioinformatics
- BioPython
- BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
- block (Python)
- BLOSUM (BLAST scoring matrix)
- boolean (Python)
- boolean operators (Python)
- boxplot()
- BSD Unix (history)
- bubblesort (algorithm)
- bunzip2 (program)
- bytecode
- c() (R function)
- call tree
- calledprocesserror (error)
- categorical data (R)
- cbind() (R function),
- cd (command)
- Central Processing Unit
- character (R)
- character classes (regular expressions),
- chgrp (program)
- chmod (program)
- chown (program)
- class (Python)
- class attribute (R)
- class of vector (R)
- class() (R function)
- client
- clone (git installation)
- colnames() (R function)
- color
- column (program)
- column-major order
- command line interface (CLI)
- command prompt
- command-line argument
- command-line arguments (Python)
- comments (Python)
- commit (git)
- comparable objects (Python)
- comparison (R)
- compilation
- see software installation
- compiled languages
- comprehensive R archive network
- computational biology
- condition has length > 1 (warning)
- configure (program)
- constructor (Python)
- continuous data
- coordinate
- copy-on-write
- cp (program)
- cut() (R function)
- CyVerse
- data frame (R),
- data structures
- defaults
- delete data frame column
- deleting list elements (R)
- diamonds dataset
- dictionaries (Python)
- diff (git)
- dim() (R function)
- discrete data
- dispatch (R)
- divide and conquer (algorithms/data structures)
- do() (R function)
- docstring (Python)
- documentation (R functions)
- DOS newlines
- dplyr (R package)
- du (program)
- e-value (BLAST)
- echo (program)
- encapsulation
- env (program),
- environment variable
- escaping special characters
- executable
- exit (program)
- export (program)
- external programs (Python)
- extract() (R function)
- facet
- facet-wrap()
- facetting
- factorial function
- factors (R)
- FASTA format,
- fasta-stats (program)
- FASTQ format
- Fibonacci function
- file handle (Python)
- filesystem
- fill
- finger (program)
- fingerprint
- float (Python)
- flybase
- for-loop (bash)
- for-loop speed (R)
- formula (R)
- function (Python)
- function arguments (R)
- functional programming
- functions (R)
- functions as data (R)
- garbage collection
- gather() (R function)
- generic functon (R)
- geom
- geom-histogram()
- geom-point()
- getter method
- ggplot2 (R)
- PDF output
- aes()
- alpha
- annotation
- boxplot()
- color
- continuous data
- coordinate,
- defaults
- diamonds dataset
- discrete data
- facet
- facet-wrap()
- facetting
- fill
- geom
- geom-histogram()
- geom-point()
- ggsave()
- grammar of graphics
- layer
- layer()
- mapping
- position
- scale, ,
- scale limit
- scale transformation
- shape
- size
- stat
- theme,
- title
- ggsave()
- git (program)
- GNU (GNU’s Not Unix)
- gnuplot (program)
- grammar of graphics
- graphical user interface (GUI)
- greedy matching (regular expression)
- grep (program), ,
- group-by() (R function)
- grouped data frame (R)
- groups (command)
- gzip (program)
- Hard Drive
- hash tables
- see dictionaries (Python)
- head (program)
- help() (Python function)
- hidden files
- high scoring pair
- hit (BLAST)
- HMMER (midden markov protein search)
- home directory
- if-statement
- if-statement (awk)
- immutable
- import (Python)
- in keyword (Python)
- indentationerror (error)
- inheritance (Python)
- installing a program
- instance variable (Python)
- integer (Python)
- integrated development environment
- interactive interpreter (Python)
- interactive programs (Python)
- interpreter,
- ioerror (error)
- iPython notebook
- (R function)
- iterable (Python)
- iterative development,
- lapply() (R function)
- layer
- layer()
- len() (Python function),
- length() (R function)
- less (program)
- levels (in R factors)
- levels (of factors, R)
- lexicographic order
- library (R)
- linked list (data structure)
- Linux (history)
- list (Python)
- list comprehensions (Python)
- list() (Python function)
- lists and strings (Python)
- load() (R function)
- local variable,
- logical (R)
- logical selection (R)
- logout
- longer object length is not a multiple of shorter (warning)
- ls (program)
- make (program)
- makefile
- man (program)
- mapping
- markdown (in RStudio)
- matrices (R)
- mean() (R function)
- median() (R function)
- merge() (R function)
- mergesort (algorithm)
- method (Python)
- method chaining
- microarray
- mkdir (program)
- module
- modulus (Python)
- monte-carlo method
- mounting (in a filesystem)
- multiple test correction (R)
- muscle (program)
- mutable
- mv (program)
- NA (R)
- na.rm (R)
- named list (R)
- named vectors (R)
- nameerror (error)
- names() (R function)
- namespace
- NaN (R)
- nano (program)
- NAs induced by conversion (warning)
- NAs introduced by coercion (warning)
- ncol() (R function)
- network connection
- newline
- newlines (Python)
- non-greedy (regular expressions)
- nrow() (R function)
- numeric (R)
- object (Python)
- object not found (error)
- omitting directory (error)
- order notation
- order() (R function)
- p.adjust() (R function)
- package (Python)
- PAM (BLAST scoring matrix)
- parameters (Python functions)
- pass by value vs. reference
- pass-the-buck (data structures)
- passwd (program)
- path
- PATH (environment variable)
- PDF output
- permission denied (error)
- permissions
- pipe
- plot() (R function)
- polymorphism (Python)
- position
- pre-allocation (R)
- prefix
- see configure (program)
- present working directory
- principle of command-query separation
- process substitution (bash)
- ps (program)
- pseudocode
- pure function
- Putty.exe (program)
- PWD (R)
- random module (Python)
- Random Access Memory
- random data (R)
- range() (Python function)
- raw string (Python)
- rbind() (R function)
- re-running commands
- read.csv() (R function)
- read.table() (R function)
- recursion
- red-black tree (data structure)
- reference classes (R)
- regular expression
- (R),
- relative path
- reluctant (regular expressions)
- reordering factors (R)
- rep() (R function)
- replace() (Python method)
- repository (git)
- results are not data frames (error)
- rev() (R function)
- reverse complement
- reverse() (Python function)
- rexp() (R function)
- RGB color system
- rm (program)
- RNA-seq
- rnorm() (R function)
- rounding errors (Python)
- row-major order
- Rscript (program)
- RStudio
- rule 1 (functions),
- runif() (R function)
- S3 object system (R)
- S4 object system (R)
- sample() (R function)
- sanity checking with uniq
- sapply() (R function)
- save() (R function)
- scale
- ggplot2 (R), ,
- scale limit
- scale transformation
- scope (of a variable)
- scp (program)
- script
- script (Python)
- sd() (R function)
- search() (Python function)
- sed (program), ,
- selective replacement (R)
- self (Python)
- separate() (R function)
- seq() (R function)
- server
- setenv (program)
- setter method
- setwd() (R function)
- SFTP (secure file transfer)
- shadowing (local variables)
- shape
- shell
- shell alternatives (bash, tcsh)
- shell command
- shell variable
- sickle (program)
- side-effect-free function
- simulation (Python)
- size
- slice (Python)
- slice syntax (Python)
- software installation (source and binary)
- sort (program)
- sort() (R function)
- see order() (R function)
- sorting (algorithms)
- spaghetti code
- split() (Python function)
- split-apply-combine (R)
- splitting columns (R)
- spread() (R function)
- ssh (program),
- stable (sort option)
- stage (git)
- standard error
- standard input, ,
- standard output,
- stat
- str() (R function)
- str-c() (R function)
- str-detect() (R function)
- strategy (programming)
- string (Python)
- string concatenation (Python)
- stringr (R package)
- strings and lists (Python)
- stringsAsFactors (R)
- structured query language
- subn() (Python function)
- subprocess (Python)
- subroutine
- subset() (R function)
- sum() (Python function)
- summarize() (R function)
- swapping,
- swissprot
- syntactic sugar,
- syntaxerror (error)
- t.test() (R function)
- tab-completion
- tail (program)
- tar (program)
- telnet (program)
- theme
- tidy data (R)
- tidyr (R package)
- title
- top (program)
- trembl
- tuple (Python)
- type() (Python function)
- typeerror (error), , ,
- uname (program)
- uncompress (program)
- uniprot
- uniq (program)
- unique (sort option)
- unique() (R function)
- unit test,
- Unix (history)
- unix newlines
- unlist() (R function)
- usage line (for software)
- UseMethod() (R function)
- valueerror (error)
- variable (Python)
- VCF format
- vector recycling (R)
- vectorized operations (R)
- vectors (R)
- version (git)
- version control
- wc (program)
- wget (program)
- which (program)
- while-loop (Python)
- whitespace,
- with (Python keyword)
- write.csv() (R function)
- write.table() (R function)