
Justices Serving on the Court 2010 – 2021

The following figures and tables include the names of the Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn scores for the indicated year. Each table also includes the name of the appointing President, the President’s party affiliation and the years each Justice served on the Court. The first Justice listed is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.


Bar Graph 2010

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2010

Justices serving on the Court, 2010
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.587 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.145 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.335 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Kagan -1.431 Obama Democrat 2010-
Roberts 1.407 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Ginsburg -2.072 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.996 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.389 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -1.672 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2010
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts 0.587 0.32

Christian Legal Society Chapter of the University of California, Hastings College of the Law v. Martinez 561 U.S. 661 (2010)

Citizens United v. FEC 558 U.S. 310 (2010)

McCutcheon v. FEC 572 U.S. 185 (2010)

McDonald v. Chicago 561 U.S. 742 (2010)


Bar Graph 2011

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2011

Justices serving on the Court, 2011
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.307 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.072 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.323 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Kagan -1.411 Obama Democrat 2010-
Roberts 1.216 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Ginsburg -2.354 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 2.008 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.393 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -1.841 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2011
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts 0.307 0.21

Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association 564 U.S. 786 (2011)

Snyder v. Phelps 562 U.S. 443 (2011)


Bar Graph 2012

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2012

Justices serving on the Court, 2012
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.253 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 1.752 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.302 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Kagan -1.654 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Roberts 1.117 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Ginsburg -2.445 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.988 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.381 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -2.281 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2012
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts 0.253 0.07

United States v. Alvarez 567 U.S. 709 (2012)


Bar Graph 2013

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2013

Justices serving on the Court, 2013
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.253 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 1.752 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.302 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Kagan -1.654 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Roberts 1.117 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Ginsburg -2.445 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.988 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.381 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -2.281 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2013
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts 0.074 0.07

Burwell v. Hobby Lobby 573 U.S. 682 (2013)

Shelby County v. Holder 570 U.S. 529 (2013)

U.S. v. Windsor 570 U.S. 744 (2013)


Bar Graph 2014

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2014

Justices serving on the Court, 2014
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy -0.219 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 1.548 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.387 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Kagan -1.66 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Roberts 0.601 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Ginsburg -2.521 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.754 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.557 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -2.858 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2014
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts -0.219 -0.17

Schuette v. BAMN 572 U.S. ___ (2014)

McCullen v. Coakley 573 U.S. 464 (2014)

Town of Greece v. Galloway 572 U.S. 565 (2014)


Bar Graph 2015

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2015

Justices serving on the Court, 2015
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy -0.262 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 1.621 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.451 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Kagan -1.541 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Roberts 0.335 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Ginsburg -2.639 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.644 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.464 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -3.067 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2015
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts -0.264 -0.21

Elonis v. United States 575 U.S. 723 (2015)

Obergefell v. Hodges 576 U.S. 644 (2015)

Reed v. Town of Gilbert 576 U.S. 155 (2015)

Walker v. Texas Division, Sons of Confederate Veterans 576 U. S. ___ (2015)


Bar Graph 2016

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2016

Justices serving on the Court, 2016
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy -0.043 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Thomas 3.51 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Kagan -1.579 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Roberts 0.348 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Gorsuch 1.117 Trump Republican 2016-
Ginsburg -2.733 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.827 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.543 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -3.232 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2016
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts -0.055 -0.26

Caetano v. Massachusetts 577 U. S. ___ (2016)

Cooper v. Harris 532 U. S. 234 (2016)

Fisher v. Texas (II) 579 U.S. ___ (2016)

Whole Women’s Health v. Hellerstedt 579 U.S. 742 (2016)


Bar Graph 2017

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2017

Justices serving on the Court, 2017
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.407 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Thomas 3.504 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Kagan -1.623 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Roberts 0.394 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Gorsuch 1.037 Trump Republican 2016-
Ginsburg -2.785 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 2.019 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.758 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -3.408 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2017
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts 0.29 -0.25

Matal v. Tam 582 U.S. ___ (2017)

Pavan v. Smith 576 U.S. ___ (2017)

Sessions v. Morales-Santana 582 U.S. ___ (2017)


Bar Graph 2018

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2018

Justices serving on the Court, 2018
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kavanaugh 0.568 Trump Republican 2018-
Thomas 3.606 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Kagan -1.617 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Roberts 0.375 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Gorsuch 0.939 Trump Republican 2016-
Ginsburg -2.83 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.912 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.832 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -3.459 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2018
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts 0.326 -0.26

Masterpiece Cakeshop v. CO 584 U.S. ___ (2018)

Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky 585 U.S. ___ (2018)


Bar Graph 2019

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2019

Justices serving on the Court, 2019
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kavanaugh 0.513 Trump Republican 2018-
Thomas 3.691 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Kagan -1.693 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Roberts 0.216 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Gorsuch 0.836 Trump Republican 2016-
Ginsburg -2.816 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 2.051 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.867 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -3.483 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2019
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts 0.185 -0.28

American Legion v. American Humanist Assn. 588 U.S. ___ (2019)

Iancu v. Brunetti 588 U.S. ___ (2019)

Rucho v. Common Cause 588 U.S. ___ (2019)

Timbs v. IN 586 U.S. ___ (2019)


No Martin Quinn Scores

Justices serving on the Court, 2020
Justice President Party of President Years Served
Kavanaugh Trump Republican 2018-
Thomas Bush, G.H.W. Republican 1991-
Kagan Bush, G.W. Republican 2005-
Roberts Bush, G.W. Republican 2005-
Gorsuch Trump Republican 2016-
Ginsburg Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito Bush, G.W. Republican 2005-
Breyer Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor Obama Democrat 2008-

Espinoza v. Montana Department of Revenue 91 U.S. ___ (2020)

June Medical Services v. Russo 591 U.S. ___ (2020)

Ramos v. Louisiana 590 U.S. ___ (2020)


No Martin Quinn Scores

Justices serving on the Court, 2021
Justice President Party of President Years Served
Kavanaugh Trump Republican 2018-
Thomas Bush, G.H.W. Republican 1991-
Kagan Bush, G.W. Republican 2005-
Roberts Bush, G.W. Republican 2005-
Gorsuch Trump Republican 2016-
Barrett Trump Republican 2021-
Alito Bush, G.W. Republican 2005-
Breyer Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor Obama Democrat 2008-

Brnovich v. Democratic National Committee 594 US ___ (2021)

Fulton v. City of Philadelphia 593 U.S. ___ (2021)

Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. 594 U.S. ___ (2021)

Tandon v. Newsom 593 U.S. ____ (2021)


No Martin Quinn Scores

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization 597 U.S. ___ (2022)

Kennedy v. Bremerton School District 597 U.S. ___ (2022)

New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. et al. v. Bruen, Superintendent of New York State Police, et al. 597 U.S. ___ (2022)


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