Justices Serving on the Court 1990 – 2009
The following figures and tables include the names of the Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn scores for the indicated year. Each table also includes the name of the appointing President, the President’s party affiliation and the years each Justice served on the Court. The first Justice listed is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1990
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 1.2 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.149 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
White | 0.616 | Kennedy | Democrat | 1961-1993 |
Souter | 0.968 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Blackmun | -1.181 | Nixon | Republican | 1969-1994 |
Stevens | -1.725 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
O’Connor | 1.142 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Marshall | -4.322 | Johnson | Democrat | 1967-1991 |
Rehnquist | 2.402 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.916 | 0.14 |
Oregon v. Smith 494 U.S. 872 (1990)
United States v. Eichman 496 U.S. 310 (1990)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1991
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.85 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.511 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
White | 0.634 | Kennedy | Democrat | 1961-1993 |
Thomas | 2.739 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | 0.605 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Blackmun | -1.437 | Nixon | Republican | 1969-1994 |
Stevens | -2.163 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
O’Connor | 0.697 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Rehnquist | 2.136 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.753 | 0.73 |
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1992
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 1.033 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.555 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
White | 0.581 | Kennedy | Democrat | 1961-1993 |
Thomas | 3.034 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | 0.257 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Blackmun | -1.647 | Nixon | Republican | 1969-1994 |
Stevens | -2.37 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
O’Connor | 0.85 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Rehnquist | 2.071 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.853 | 0.71 |
Freeman v. Pitts 503 U.S. 467 (1992)
Planned Parenthood v. Casey 505 U.S. 833 (1992)
R.A.V. v. St Paul 505 U.S. 377 (1992)
Ward v. Rock Against Racism 491 U.S. 781 (1992)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1993
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.874 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.651 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.419 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -0.235 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Blackmun | -1.931 | Nixon | Republican | 1969-1994 |
Stevens | -2.579 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -0.211 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 1.014 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Rehnquist | 1.881 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.82 | 0.54 |
Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. v. City of Hialeah 508 U.S. 520 (1993)
Shaw v. Reno 509 U.S. 630 (1993)
Wisconsin v. Mitchell 508 U.S. 476 (1993)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1994
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.851 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.897 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.643 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -0.336 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Stevens | -3.003 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -0.451 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 0.835 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -0.335 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Rehnquist | 1.878 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.735 | 0.66 |
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc v. FCC 512 U.S. 622 (1994)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1995
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.746 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 3.181 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.737 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -0.38 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Stevens | -3.266 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -0.532 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 0.874 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -0.505 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Rehnquist | 1.849 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.689 | 0.63 |
Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Pena 515 U.S. 200 (1995)
Hurley v. Irish GLB of Boston 515 U.S. 557 (1995)
Miller v. Johnson 515 U.S. 900 (1995)
Rosenberger v. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia 515 U.S. 819 (1995)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1996
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.84 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 3.404 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.806 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -0.321 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Stevens | -3.392 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -0.601 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 0.988 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -0.748 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Rehnquist | 1.687 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.788 | 0.63 |
Bush v. Vera 517 U.S. 952 (1996)
Romer v. Evans 517 U.S. 620 (1996)
U.S. v. Virginia 518 U.S. 515 (1996)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1997
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.827 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 3.48 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.793 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -0.418 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Stevens | -3.361 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -0.73 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 1.102 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -0.779 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Rehnquist | 1.67 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.8 | 0.62 |
Mazurek v. Armstrong 520 U.S. 968 (1997)
Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union 521 U.S. 844 (1997)
Washington v. Glucksberg 521 U.S. 702 (1997)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1998
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.953 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 3.455 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.819 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -0.484 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Stevens | -3.379 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -0.796 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 1.003 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -0.747 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Rehnquist | 1.884 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.863 | 0.63 |
Hustler Magazine v. Falwell 485 U.S. 46 (1998)
National Endowment for the Arts v. Finley 524 U.S. 569 (1998)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1999
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 1.092 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 3.537 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.772 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -0.934 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Stevens | -3.319 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -1.25 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 0.891 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -0.781 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Rehnquist | 1.747 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.85 | 0.53 |
Saenz v. Roe 526 U.S. 489 (1999)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2000
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.971 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 3.535 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.797 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -1.21 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Stevens | -3.143 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -1.487 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 0.604 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -1.228 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Rehnquist | 1.685 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.594 | 0.39 |
Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System v. Southworth 529 U.S. 217 (2000)
BSA v. Dale 530 U.S. 640 (2000)
Hill v. CO 530 U.S. 703 (2000)
Rice v. Cayetano 528 U.S. 495 (2000)
Sante Fe Independent School District v. Doe 530 U.S. 290 (2000)
United States et. al v. Playboy Entertainment Group, Inc. 529 U.S. 803 (2000)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2001
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 1.059 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 3.382 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.767 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -1.397 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Stevens | -3.036 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -1.616 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 0.372 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -1.303 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Rehnquist | 1.428 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.371 | 0.30 |
United States v. Emerson 270 F.3d 203 (2001)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2002
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.902 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 3.091 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.898 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -1.514 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Stevens | -2.924 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -1.683 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 0.263 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -1.309 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Rehnquist | 1.262 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.262 | 0.22 |
Republican Party of Minnesota v. White 536 U.S. 765 (2002)
Watchtower v. Stratton 536 U.S. 150 (2002)
Zelman v. Simmons-Harris 536 U.S. 639 (2002)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2003
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.771 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.927 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.92 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -1.66 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Stevens | -2.914 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -1.754 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 0.224 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -1.23 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Rehnquist | 1.396 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.222 | 0.19 |
FEC v. Beaumont 539 U.S. 146 (2003)
Gratz v. Bollinger 539 U.S. 244 (2003)
Grutter v. Bollinger 539 U.S. 306 (2003)
Lawrence v. Texas 539 U.S. 558 (2003)
Virginia v. Black 538 U.S. 343 (2003)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2004
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.541 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.727 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.966 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -1.613 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Stevens | -2.909 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -1.683 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
O’Connor | 0.12 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -1.067 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Rehnquist | 1.459 | Nixon | Republican | 1971-2005 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Rehnquist | 0.111 | 0.17 |
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2005
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.501 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.636 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 4.002 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -1.526 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Roberts | 1.396 | Bush, G.W | Republican | 2005- |
Stevens | -2.858 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -1.572 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
Alito | 1.429 | Bush, G.W | Republican | 2005- |
O’Connor | 0.072 | Reagan | Republican | 1981-2006 |
Breyer | -1.236 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Roberts (a) | 0.044 | 0.28 |
Roberts (b) | 0.499 |
McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky et al. 545 U.S. 844 (2005)
Van Orden v. Perry 545 U.S. 677 (2005)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2006
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.461 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.608 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.976 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -1.422 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Roberts | 1.428 | Bush, G.W | Republican | 2005- |
Stevens | -2.817 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -1.684 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
Alito | 1.465 | Bush, G.W | Republican | 2005- |
Breyer | -1.368 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Roberts | 0.461 | 0.29 |
Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, et al. v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights et al. 547 U.S. 47 (2006)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2007
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.412 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.458 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.842 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Souter | -1.495 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1990-2009 |
Roberts | 1.418 | Bush, G.W | Republican | 2005- |
Stevens | -2.691 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -1.673 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
Alito | 1.559 | Bush, G.W | Republican | 2005- |
Breyer | -1.279 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Roberts | 0.412 | 0.28 |
Morse v. Frederick 551 U.S. 393 (2007)
Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 551 U.S. 701 (2007)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2008
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.522 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.312 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.494 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Roberts | 1.394 | Bush, G.W | Republican | 2005- |
Stevens | -2.862 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -1.67 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
Alito | 1.855 | Bush, G.W | Republican | 2005- |
Breyer | -1.321 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Sotomayor | -1.592 | Obama | Democrat | 2008- |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Roberts | 0.579 | 0.24 |
Crawford v. Marion County Election Board et al Indiana Democratic Party, et al v. Todd Rokita, Indiana Secretary of State, et al 553 U.S. 181 (2008)
District of Columbia v. Heller 554 U.S. 570 (2008)
Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2009
Justice | Mean | President | Party of President | Years Served |
Kennedy | 0.522 | Reagan | Republican | 1987-2018 |
Scalia | 2.312 | Reagan | Republican | 1986-2016 |
Thomas | 3.494 | Bush, G.H.W | Republican | 1991- |
Roberts | 1.394 | Bush, G.W | Republican | 2005- |
Stevens | -2.862 | Ford | Republican | 1975-2010 |
Ginsburg | -1.67 | Clinton | Democrat | 1993-2020 |
Alito | 1.855 | Bush, G.W | Republican | 2005- |
Breyer | -1.321 | Clinton | Democrat | 1994-2022 |
Sotomayor | -1.592 | Obama | Democrat | 2008- |
Chief Justice | Median | Court Score |
Roberts | 0.522 | 0.24 |
Pleasant Grove City v. Summum 555 U.S. 460 (2009)