
Justices Serving on the Court 1990 – 2009

The following figures and tables include the names of the Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn scores for the indicated year. Each table also includes the name of the appointing President, the President’s party affiliation and the years each Justice served on the Court. The first Justice listed is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.


Bar Graph 1990

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1990

Justices serving on the Court, 1990
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 1.2 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.149 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
White 0.616 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Souter 0.968 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Blackmun -1.181 Nixon Republican 1969-1994
Stevens -1.725 Ford Republican 1975-2010
O’Connor 1.142 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Marshall -4.322 Johnson Democrat 1967-1991
Rehnquist 2.402 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 1990
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.916 0.14

Oregon v. Smith 494 U.S. 872 (1990)

United States v. Eichman 496 U.S. 310 (1990)


Bar Graph 1991

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1991

Justices serving on the Court, 1991
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.85 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.511 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
White 0.634 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Thomas 2.739 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter 0.605 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Blackmun -1.437 Nixon Republican 1969-1994
Stevens -2.163 Ford Republican 1975-2010
O’Connor 0.697 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Rehnquist 2.136 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 1991
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.753 0.73


Bar Graph 1992

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1992

Justices serving on the Court, 1992
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 1.033 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.555 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
White 0.581 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Thomas 3.034 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter 0.257 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Blackmun -1.647 Nixon Republican 1969-1994
Stevens -2.37 Ford Republican 1975-2010
O’Connor 0.85 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Rehnquist 2.071 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 1992
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.853 0.71

Freeman v. Pitts 503 U.S. 467 (1992)

Planned Parenthood v. Casey 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

R.A.V. v. St Paul 505 U.S. 377 (1992)

Ward v. Rock Against Racism 491 U.S. 781 (1992)


Bar Graph 1993

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1993

Justices serving on the Court, 1993
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.874 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.651 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.419 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -0.235 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Blackmun -1.931 Nixon Republican 1969-1994
Stevens -2.579 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -0.211 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 1.014 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Rehnquist 1.881 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 1993
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.82 0.54

Church of Lukumi Babalu Aye, Inc. v. City of Hialeah 508 U.S. 520 (1993)

Shaw v. Reno 509 U.S. 630 (1993)

Wisconsin v. Mitchell 508 U.S. 476 (1993)


Bar Graph 1994

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1994

Justices serving on the Court, 1994
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.851 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.897 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.643 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -0.336 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Stevens -3.003 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -0.451 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 0.835 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -0.335 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Rehnquist 1.878 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 1994
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.735 0.66

Turner Broadcasting System, Inc v. FCC 512 U.S. 622 (1994)


Bar Graph 1995

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1995

Justices serving on the Court, 1995
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.746 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 3.181 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.737 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -0.38 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Stevens -3.266 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -0.532 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 0.874 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -0.505 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Rehnquist 1.849 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 1995
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.689 0.63

Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Pena 515 U.S. 200 (1995)

Hurley v. Irish GLB of Boston 515 U.S. 557 (1995)

Miller v. Johnson 515 U.S. 900 (1995)

Rosenberger v. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia 515 U.S. 819 (1995)


Bar Graph 1996

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1996

Justices serving on the Court, 1996
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.84 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 3.404 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.806 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -0.321 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Stevens -3.392 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -0.601 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 0.988 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -0.748 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Rehnquist 1.687 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 1996
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.788 0.63

Bush v. Vera 517 U.S. 952 (1996)

Romer v. Evans 517 U.S. 620 (1996)

U.S. v. Virginia 518 U.S. 515 (1996)


Bar Graph 1997

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1997

Justices serving on the Court, 1997
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.827 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 3.48 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.793 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -0.418 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Stevens -3.361 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -0.73 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 1.102 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -0.779 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Rehnquist 1.67 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 1997
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.8 0.62

Mazurek v. Armstrong 520 U.S. 968 (1997)

Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union 521 U.S. 844 (1997)

Washington v. Glucksberg 521 U.S. 702 (1997)


Bar Graph 1998

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1998

Justices serving on the Court, 1998
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.953 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 3.455 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.819 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -0.484 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Stevens -3.379 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -0.796 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 1.003 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -0.747 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Rehnquist 1.884 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 1998
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.863 0.63

Hustler Magazine v. Falwell 485 U.S. 46 (1998)

National Endowment for the Arts v. Finley 524 U.S. 569 (1998)


Bar Graph 1999

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1999

Justices serving on the Court, 1999
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 1.092 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 3.537 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.772 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -0.934 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Stevens -3.319 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -1.25 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 0.891 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -0.781 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Rehnquist 1.747 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 1999
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.85 0.53

Saenz v. Roe 526 U.S. 489 (1999)


Bar Graph 2000

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2000

Justices serving on the Court, 2000
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.971 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 3.535 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.797 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -1.21 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Stevens -3.143 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -1.487 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 0.604 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -1.228 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Rehnquist 1.685 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 2000
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.594 0.39

Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System v. Southworth 529 U.S. 217 (2000)

BSA v. Dale 530 U.S. 640 (2000)

Hill v. CO 530 U.S. 703 (2000)

Rice v. Cayetano 528 U.S. 495 (2000)

Sante Fe Independent School District v. Doe 530 U.S. 290 (2000)

United States et. al v. Playboy Entertainment Group, Inc. 529 U.S. 803 (2000)


Bar Graph 2001

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2001

Justices serving on the Court, 2001
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 1.059 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 3.382 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.767 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -1.397 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Stevens -3.036 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -1.616 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 0.372 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -1.303 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Rehnquist 1.428 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 2001
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.371 0.30

United States v. Emerson 270 F.3d 203 (2001)


Bar Graph 2002

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2002

Justices serving on the Court, 2002
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.902 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 3.091 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.898 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -1.514 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Stevens -2.924 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -1.683 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 0.263 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -1.309 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Rehnquist 1.262 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 2002
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.262 0.22

Republican Party of Minnesota v. White 536 U.S. 765 (2002)

Watchtower v. Stratton 536 U.S. 150 (2002)

Zelman v. Simmons-Harris 536 U.S. 639 (2002)


Bar Graph 2003

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2003

Justices serving on the Court, 2003
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.771 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.927 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.92 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -1.66 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Stevens -2.914 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -1.754 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 0.224 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -1.23 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Rehnquist 1.396 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 2003
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.222 0.19

FEC v. Beaumont 539 U.S. 146 (2003)

Gratz v. Bollinger 539 U.S. 244 (2003)

Grutter v. Bollinger 539 U.S. 306 (2003)

Lawrence v. Texas 539 U.S. 558 (2003)

Virginia v. Black 538 U.S. 343 (2003)


Bar Graph 2004

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2004

Justices serving on the Court, 2004
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.541 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.727 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.966 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -1.613 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Stevens -2.909 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -1.683 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
O’Connor 0.12 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -1.067 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Rehnquist 1.459 Nixon Republican 1971-2005
Chief Justice, 2004
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Rehnquist 0.111 0.17


Bar Graph 2005

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2005

Justices serving on the Court, 2005
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.501 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.636 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 4.002 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -1.526 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Roberts 1.396 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Stevens -2.858 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -1.572 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.429 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
O’Connor 0.072 Reagan Republican 1981-2006
Breyer -1.236 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Chief Justice, 2005
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts (a) 0.044 0.28
Roberts (b) 0.499

McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky et al. 545 U.S. 844 (2005)

Van Orden v. Perry 545 U.S. 677 (2005)


Bar Graph 2006

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2006

Justices serving on the Court, 2006
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.461 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.608 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.976 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -1.422 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Roberts 1.428 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Stevens -2.817 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -1.684 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.465 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.368 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Chief Justice, 2006
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts 0.461 0.29

Donald H. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense, et al. v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights et al. 547 U.S. 47 (2006)


Bar Graph 2007

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2007

Justices serving on the Court, 2007
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.412 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.458 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.842 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Souter -1.495 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1990-2009
Roberts 1.418 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Stevens -2.691 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -1.673 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.559 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.279 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Chief Justice, 2007
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts 0.412 0.28

Morse v. Frederick 551 U.S. 393 (2007)

Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1 551 U.S. 701 (2007)


Bar Graph 2008

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2008

Justices serving on the Court, 2008
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.522 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.312 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.494 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Roberts 1.394 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Stevens -2.862 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -1.67 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.855 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.321 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -1.592 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2008
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts 0.579 0.24

Crawford v. Marion County Election Board et al Indiana Democratic Party, et al v. Todd Rokita, Indiana Secretary of State, et al 553 U.S. 181 (2008)

District of Columbia v. Heller 554 U.S. 570 (2008)


Bar Graph 2009

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 2009

Justices serving on the Court, 2009
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Kennedy 0.522 Reagan Republican 1987-2018
Scalia 2.312 Reagan Republican 1986-2016
Thomas 3.494 Bush, G.H.W Republican 1991-
Roberts 1.394 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Stevens -2.862 Ford Republican 1975-2010
Ginsburg -1.67 Clinton Democrat 1993-2020
Alito 1.855 Bush, G.W Republican 2005-
Breyer -1.321 Clinton Democrat 1994-2022
Sotomayor -1.592 Obama Democrat 2008-
Chief Justice, 2009
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Roberts 0.522 0.24

Pleasant Grove City v. Summum 555 U.S. 460 (2009)


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