
Justices Serving on the Court 1950 – 1969

The following figures and tables include the names of the Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn scores for the indicated year. Each table also includes the name of the appointing President, the President’s party affiliation and the years each Justice served on the Court. The first Justice listed is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.


Bar Graph 1950

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1950

Justices serving on the Court, 1950
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Frankfurter 0.188 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Vinson 1.275 Truman Democrat 1946-1953
Burton 0.98 Truman Democrat 1945-1958
Black -1.499 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Jackson 0.783 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1941-1954
Reed 1.209 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1941-1954
Minton 1.364 Truman Democrat 1949-1956
Clark 1.112 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Douglas -1.281 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1950
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Vinson 0.923 0.46

McLaurin v. Oklahoma State Regents 339 U.S. 637 (1950)

Sweatt v. Painter 339 U.S. 629 (1950)


Bar Graph 1951

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1951

Justices serving on the Court, 1951
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Frankfurter 0.024 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Vinson 1.54 Truman Democrat 1946-1953
Burton 0.942 Truman Democrat 1945-1958
Black -1.367 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Jackson 0.708 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1941-1954
Reed 1.298 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1941-1954
Minton 1.463 Truman Democrat 1949-1956
Clark 1.197 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Douglas -1.508 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1951
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Vinson 0.929 0.48

Dennis v. U.S. 341 U.S. 494 (1951)

Feiner v. People of the State of New York 340 U.S. 315 (1951)


Bar Graph 1952

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1952

Justices serving on the Court, 1952
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Frankfurter 0.008 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Vinson 1.475 Truman Democrat 1946-1953
Burton 1.27 Truman Democrat 1945-1958
Black -1.103 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Jackson 0.899 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1941-1954
Reed 1.377 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1941-1954
Minton 1.277 Truman Democrat 1949-1956
Clark 1.173 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Douglas -2.172 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1952
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Vinson 1.064 0.47

Rochin v. California 342 U.S. 165 (1952)

Zorach v. Clauson 343 U.S. 306 (1952)


Bar Graph 1953

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1953

Justices serving on the Court, 1953
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Warren 0.001 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Frankfurter 0.354 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Burton 1.331 Truman Democrat 1945-1958
Black -1.482 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Jackson 0.85 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1941-1954
Reed 1.515 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1941-1954
Minton 0.895 Truman Democrat 1949-1956
Clark 0.607 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Douglas -2.905 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1953
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren 0.574 0.13


Bar Graph 1954

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1954

Justices serving on the Court, 1954
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Warren -0.465 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Frankfurter 0.318 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Burton 1.273 Truman Democrat 1945-1958
Black -1.623 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 0.851 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Reed 1.488 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1941-1954
Minton 0.895 Truman Democrat 1949-1956
Clark 0.152 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Douglas -3.591 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1954
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren 0.348 -0.08

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka 347 U.S. 483 (1954)

Hernandez v. Texas 347 U.S. 475 (1954)


Bar Graph 1955

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1955

Justices serving on the Court, 1955
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Warren -1.085 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Frankfurter 0.592 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Burton 1.265 Truman Democrat 1945-1958
Black -1.97 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 1.062 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Reed 1.052 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1941-1954
Minton 0.871 Truman Democrat 1949-1956
Clark 0.022 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Douglas -4.156 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1955
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren 0.56 -0.26

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka 349 U.S. 294 (1955)


Bar Graph 1956

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1956

Justices serving on the Court, 1956
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Whittaker 0.966 Eisenhower Republican 1957-1962
Warren -1.327 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Frankfurter 0.926 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Burton 1.158 Truman Democrat 1945-1958
Black -2.185 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 1.231 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Reed 0.787 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1941-1954
Minton 0.834 Truman Democrat 1949-1956
Clark 0.159 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Brennan -0.697 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -4.661 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1956
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren 0.158 -0.26
Warren (2) 0.159 -0.26


Bar Graph 1957

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1957

Justices serving on the Court, 1957
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Whittaker 1.02 Eisenhower Republican 1957-1962
Warren -1.611 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Frankfurter 1.194 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Burton 1.023 Truman Democrat 1945-1958
Black -2.253 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 1.331 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Clark 0.59 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Brennan -0.811 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -5.069 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1957
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren 0.585 -0.51

Roth v. United States [consolidated with Alberts v. California] 354 U.S. 476 (1957)


Bar Graph 1958

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1958

Justices serving on the Court, 1958
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Whittaker 1.286 Eisenhower Republican 1957-1962
Warren -1.662 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Frankfurter 1.497 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Burton 1.078 Truman Democrat 1945-1958
Black -2.093 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 1.494 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart 0.836 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Clark 0.526 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Brennan -0.846 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -5.435 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1958
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren 0.643 -0.33

NAACP v. Alabama 357 U.S. 449 (1958)


Bar Graph 1959

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1959

Justices serving on the Court, 1959
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Whittaker 1.37 Eisenhower Republican 1957-1962
Warren -1.568 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Frankfurter 1.78 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Black -2.061 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 1.64 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart 0.58 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Clark 0.349 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Brennan -0.93 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -5.728 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1959
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren 0.335 -0.51

Lassiter v. Northampton County Board of Elections 360 U.S. 45 (1959)


Bar Graph 1960

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1960

Justices serving on the Court, 1960
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Whittaker 1.209 Eisenhower Republican 1957-1962
Warren -1.455 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Frankfurter 1.792 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Black -1.943 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 1.9 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart 0.45 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Clark 0.76 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Brennan -0.884 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -5.994 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1960
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren 0.442 -0.46

Gomillion v. Lightfoot 364 U.S. 339 (1960)


Bar Graph 1961

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1961

Justices serving on the Court, 1961
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
White -0.335 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Whittaker 1.147 Eisenhower Republican 1957-1962
Warren -1.572 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Frankfurter 1.792 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1962
Black -1.875 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 2.281 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart 0.266 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Clark 0.463 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Brennan -0.846 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -6.232 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1961
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren -0.043 -0.49

Braunfeld v. Brown 366 U.S. 599 (1961)

Burton v. Wilmington Parking Authority 365 U.S. 715 (1961)

McGowan v. Maryland 366 U.S. 420 (1961)


Bar Graph 1962

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1962

Justices serving on the Court, 1962
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Goldberg -1.154 Kennedy Democrat 1962-1965
White -0.305 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Warren -1.518 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Black -1.765 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 2.568 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart 0.262 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Clark 0.339 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Brennan -1.238 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -6.454 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1962
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren -1.078 -1.03

Baker v. Carr 369 U.S. 186 (1962)

Engel v. Vitale 370 U.S. 421 (1962)


Bar Graph 1963

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1963

Justices serving on the Court, 1963
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Goldberg -1.288 Kennedy Democrat 1962-1965
White -0.219 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Warren -1.464 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Black -1.488 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 2.66 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart 0.166 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Clark 0.046 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Brennan -1.22 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -6.657 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1963
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren -1.131 -1.05

Gideon v. Wainwright 372 U.S. 335 (1963)

Sherbert v. Verner 374 U.S. 398 (1963)


Bar Graph 1964

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1964

Justices serving on the Court, 1964
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Goldberg -0.787 Kennedy Democrat 1962-1965
White -0.253 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Warren -1.293 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Black -0.94 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 2.441 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart 0.358 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Clark -0.204 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Brennan -1.038 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -6.885 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1964
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren -0.708 -0.96

Jacobellis v. Ohio 378 U.S. 184 (1964)

McLaughlin v. Florida 379 U.S. 182 (1964)

New York Times Co. V. Sullivan 376 U.S. 254 (1964)

Reynolds v. Sims 377 U.S. 533 (1964)

Wesberry v. Sanders 376 U.S. 1 (1964)


Bar Graph 1965

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1965

Justices serving on the Court, 1965
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Fortas -1.332 Johnson Democrat 1965-1969
White -0.2 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Warren -1.289 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Black -0.564 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 2.35 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart 0.501 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Clark -0.102 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Brennan -1.131 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -7.096 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1965
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren -0.569 -0.98

Carrington v. Rash 380 U.S. 89 (1965)

Griswold v. Connecticut 381 U.S. 479 (1965)

Louisiana v. United States 380 U.S. 145 (1965)


Bar Graph 1966

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1966

Justices serving on the Court, 1966
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Fortas -1.514 Johnson Democrat 1965-1969
White -0.017 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Warren -1.215 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Black -0.414 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 2.04 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart 0.589 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Clark 0.107 Truman Democrat 1949-1967
Brennan -1.151 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -7.265 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1966
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren -0.416 -0.98

Epperson v. Arkansas 393 U.S. 97 (1966)

Harper v. Virginia Bd. of Elections 383 U.S. 663 (1966)

Sheppard v. Maxwell 384 U.S. 333 (1966)

South Carolina v. Katzenbach 383 U.S. 301 (1966)


Bar Graph 1967

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1967

Justices serving on the Court, 1967
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Fortas -1.355 Johnson Democrat 1965-1969
White 0.248 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Warren -1.283 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Black -0.099 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 1.47 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart -0.1 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Marshall -1.166 Johnson Democrat 1967-1991
Brennan -1.245 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -7.409 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1967
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren -1.046 -1.22

Loving v. Virginia 388 U.S. 1 (1967)

Reitman v. Mulkey 387 U.S. 369 (1967)


Bar Graph 1968

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1968

Justices serving on the Court, 1968
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
Fortas -1.099 Johnson Democrat 1965-1969
White 0.084 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Warren -1.311 Eisenhower Republican 1953-1969
Black 0.1 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 0.766 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart 0.34 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Marshall -1.099 Johnson Democrat 1967-1991
Brennan -1.078 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -7.53 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1968
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Warren -0.9 -1.20

Duncan v Louisiana 391 U.S. 145 (1968)

Green v. County Sch. Bd. of New Kent County 391 U.S. 430 (1968)

United States v. O’Brien 391 U.S. 367 (1968)


Bar Graph 1969

Justices serving on the Court and Martin Quinn Ideology scores, 1969

Justices serving on the Court, 1969
Justice Mean President Party of President Years Served
White 0.133 Kennedy Democrat 1961-1993
Blackmun 1.462 Nixon Republican 1969-1994
Black 0.089 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1937-1971
Harlan 0.689 Eisenhower Republican 1954-1971
Stewart 0.459 Eisenhower Republican 1958-1981
Marshall -0.948 Johnson Democrat 1967-1991
Burger 1.983 Nixon Republican 1969-1986
Brennan -0.936 Eisenhower Republican 1956-1990
Douglas -7.605 F.D. Roosevelt Democrat 1939-1975
Chief Justice, 1969
Chief Justice Median Court Score
Burger 0.193 -0.52

Kramer v. Union Free Sch. Dist. No. 15 395 U.S. 621 (1969)

Brandenburg v. Ohio 395 U.S. 44 (1969)

Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC 395 U.S. 367 (1969)

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District 393 U.S. 503 (1969)


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