About the Authors

Achury, Susan

Assistant Professor

Texas Christian University

Examining Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in the Legal Profession: An Analysis of Career Tracks and Representation


Armaly, Miles T.

Assistant Professor

University of Mississippi

The Influence of Politicians on Public Support for the Judiciary


Bailey, Christine M.

Department of Political Science

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Walking on Broken Glass: Justice Gender in State Supreme Court


Balcomb, Megan.

MBA Candidate

Gordon Ford College of Business

Western Kentucky University

Opposition to Abortion, Then and Now: How Amicus Briefs use Policy Frames in Abortion Litigation


Benton-Hendricks, Alyson

MA Student

Department of Political Science

University of Louisville

Opposition to Abortion, Then and Now: How Amicus Briefs Use Policy Frames in Abortion Litigation


Bentsen, Henrik Litleré


NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS

Explaining Dissent Rates on a Consensual Danish Supreme Court


Black, Ryan C.


Michigan State University

Judicial Discretion and US Supreme Court Agenda Setting


Bolton, Joseph P.

PhD Candidate and Graduate Instructor

Washington State University

Black Robes in the Limelight: News Values and Requests to Televise Oral Arguments in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, 1991-2005


Cardenas, Alan

University of Texas at El Paso

Riddled with Exclusivity: The Homogeneity of the Supreme Court Bar in the Roberts Court


Carp, Robert A.

University of Houston

To Publish or Not Publish: Exploring Federal District Judges’ Published Decisions


Carsh, Austin

Oregon State University Honors College

Courts as Colonizers or Protectors? Indigenous Peoples Before the Mexican Supreme Court


Comparato, Scott A. 

Associate Professor

Department of Political Science

Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Walking on Broken Glass: Justice Gender in State Supreme Court Citations


Dumas, Tao L., PhD

Assistant Professor

College of New Jersey

How Much is a Leg Worth?: What Do Civil Trial Courts Do, and Why Should We Care?


Fairbanks, Bailey R.

Assistant Professor of Political Science

University of Central Arkansas

At the Intersection of Law & Identity: Immutable Characteristics, Voter Preferences, and Strategic Voting on State Supreme Courts


Fernandez, Kenneth E.

College of Southern Nevada

Public Attitudes toward State Courts


Fix, Michael P.

Associate Professor

Department of Political Science

Georgia State University

The Impact of Democratic Consolidation on Public Confidence in Courts


Givens, John Wagner

Assistant Professor

School of Government and International Affairs

Kennesaw State University

On Their Best Behavior? Foreign Plaintiffs in Chinese Administrative Litigation


Gleason, Shane A.

Assistant Professor

Department of Social Sciences

Texas A&M University

Walking on Broken Glass: Justice Gender in State Supreme Court Citations


Goelzhauser, Greg

Associate Professor

Department of Political Science

Utah State University

Intersectional Representation on State Supreme Courts


González, Aidan

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science

Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

At the Intersection of Law & Identity: Immutable Characteristics, Voter Preferences, and Strategic Voting on State Supreme Courts


Hofer, Scott

Assistant Professor

St. Francis College

Examining Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in the Legal Profession: An Analysis of Career Tracks and Representation


Husser, Jason A.

Associate Professor

Elon University

Public Attitudes toward State Courts


Jeknic, Petar

Trump’s Judges and Diversity: Regression to the Mean or Remaking the Judiciary?


Johnson, Ben

Does the US Supreme Court Respond to Public Opinion?


Johnson, Susan W.

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

To Publish or Not Publish: Exploring Federal District Judges’ Published Decisions


Kane, Jenna Becker

Assistant Professor

Department of Political Science

West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Institutional Determinants of Amici Filings across State Supreme Courts


Kraybill, Jeanine E.

Assistant Professor

California State University, Bakersfield

Women of SCOTUS: An Analysis of the Different Voice Debate


Kromphardt, Christopher D.


College of Professional Studies

Northeastern University

Visiting Assistant Professor

Cornell College

Black Robes in the Limelight: News Values and Requests to Televise Oral Arguments in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, 1991-2005


Lane, Elizabeth

Assistant Professor

Louisiana State University

Judicial Discretion and US Supreme Court Agenda Setting


Manning, Kenneth L.

University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth

To Publish or Not Publish: Exploring Federal District Judges’ Published Decisions


Martin, Ana R.

PhD Candidate

Department of Political Science

Georgia State University

The Impact of Democratic Consolidation on Public Confidence in Courts


McKenzie, Mark Jonathan

Associate Professor of Political Science

Texas Tech University

Explaining Dissent Rates on a Consensual Danish Supreme Court


McLauchlan, William P.

Professor Emeritus of Political Science

Purdue University

An Empirical Examination of the Business of the Montana Supreme Court


Miller, Mark C.

Professor of Political Science

Director of the Law & Society Program

Clark University (Massachusetts)

The Relationship between the Federal Courts and the Two Congressional Judiciary Committees


Moreno, Carol

Senatorial Speeches from Thomas to Kavanaugh: A Short Note


Morgan, Kyle J.


Experimentally measuring responsiveness to criticisms of the United States Supreme Court as anti-democratic


Moyer, Laura P.

Associate Professor

Department of Political Science

University of Louisville

Opposition to Abortion, Then and Now: How Amicus Briefs Use Policy Frames in Abortion Litigation


Pacelle, Richard L. Jr.


University of Tennessee

Issue Emergence and Evolution in the US Supreme Court


Picado, Jonathan A.

University of Iowa College of Law

Mother Nature, Lady Justice: Ecofeminism and Judicial Decision-making


Price, Richard S. 

Associate Professor of Political Science

Weber State University

On Remand: Legal Strategies after Supreme Court Losses


Pyle, Barry W.


Eastern Michigan University

Issue Emergence and Evolution in the US Supreme Court


Randazzo, Kirk A,


University of South Carolina

High Courts and International Norms Institutionalization


Reid, Rebecca A.

Assistant Professor

University of Texas at El Paso

Human Rights and Court Activism in the Mexican Supreme Court

High Courts and International Norms Institutionalization


Renberg, Kristen M.

Department of Political Science

Duke University

The Transmission of Legal Precedent in the US Courts of Appeals


Rice, Douglas R.

Assistant Professor

Department of Political Science

University of Massachusetts Amherst

The Language of Newspaper Coverage of the US Supreme Court


Robison, Kristenne M.

Kent State University

Trial Court Policy Making: The Case of Criminal Probation


Rutkowski, Adam G.

Ph.D. Candidate

University of Georgia

Constitutional Interpretation Styles of U.S. Supreme Court Justices


Scheb II, John M.

Department of Political Science

University of Tennessee

Race and the Death Penalty in Tennessee, 1977-2016


Schoenherr, Jessica A.

PhD Candidate

Michigan State University

Judicial Discretion and US Supreme Court Agenda Setting


Schutte, Rachel A.

Assistant Professor

Hope College

Judicial Discretion and US Supreme Court Agenda Setting


Sharma, Hemant K.

Department of Political Science

University of Tennessee

Race and the Death Penalty in Tennessee, 1977-2016


Skiple, Jon Kåre


NORCE Norwegian Research Center AS

Explaining Dissent Rates on a Consensual Danish Supreme Court


Sluss, Lauren

Senatorial Speeches from Thomas to Kavanaugh: A Short Note


Smith, Craig Alan

Professor of History and Political Science

California University of Pennsylvania

The Appearance of Justice: A Historic Case Study Evaluating One Supreme Court Justice’s Recusal Decisions


Smithey, Shannon Ishiyama

Professor of Political Science

Westminster College

Strategic Activism: A Comparative View of Judges as Institution Builders


Solberg, Rorie Spill

Trump’s Judges and Diversity: Regression to the Mean or Remaking the Judiciary?

Senatorial Speeches from Thomas to Kavanaugh: A Short Note


Stidham, Ronald

Appalachian State University

To Publish or Not Publish: Exploring Federal District Judges’ Published Decisions


Stone, Molly

Senatorial Speeches from Thomas to Kavanaugh: A Short Note


Stout, Christopher

Trump’s Judges and Diversity: Regression to the Mean or Remaking the Judiciary?


Strother, Logan

Does the US Supreme Court Respond to Public Opinion?


Waltenburg, Eric

Trump’s Judges and Diversity: Regression to the Mean or Remaking the Judiciary?

Senatorial Speeches from Thomas to Kavanaugh: A Short Note


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