Chapter cover

Chapter 4
Unified Modeling Language Class and Sequence Diagrams

“Nobody, not even the creators of the UML, understand or use all of it.” (Fowler, 2004)

After a discussion of diagrams in general, this chapter covers two common Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram types: class diagrams and sequence diagrams.

4.1 How Diagrams Help

Diagrams can help in at least two major ways:

  1. They can help you plan software you will create. Once you’ve created diagrams for planning your software, you can use them to communicate to the development team what will/should be implemented and decide (evaluate) whether your plans are any good (e.g., are clear, are logical, reflect your project’s desired quality attributes, and so on).
  2. They can help you describe software you’ve already created. If your software is already created, diagrams are good for documentation and, as mentioned above, for evaluating how satisfactory your software is. The purpose of including diagrams in documentation is to communicate something about your software to somebody. There are many different audiences you could be trying to communicate with.

Example audiences for your diagrams include other developers on the project, your supervisor or manager, developers who might be interested in joining the team, developers who want to integrate with your system, curious end users, and students of software engineering. Depending on the integrated development environment (IDE)/tools you’re using, diagrams can be automatically generated from your code, which helps make documentation maintenance easier and more likely to happen.

4.2 What Diagrams Must Do Well

To be helpful, diagrams must communicate clearly and at an appropriate level of detail for your intended audience. If your intended audience does not understand your diagram—or misunderstands it—your diagram has failed.

4.3 What Is UML?

Unified Modeling Language is a family of graphical notations for describing and designing software through diagrams. It is especially applicable to object-oriented software, but some parts of UML are applicable to many types of software. Different UML notations are used for different types of UML diagrams, each of which has a specific purpose. UML was first published in 1994, became a standard of the Object Management Group (OMG) in 1997, and became an ISO standard in 2005. UML is currently on version 2.

4.4 Why Use UML?

There are multiple benefits of creating diagrams using UML:

  • UML gives you (1) notation for designing software so that your implementation will be structured and (2) notation for describing the existing design of software so that you can evaluate whether the design is any good.
  • UML diagramming forces you to think about software design in a structured way. When people try to design software in their minds, they can be sloppy about it—thinking about the aspects of the design they want to think about. UML can encourage you to face the trickier parts of software design.
  • UML diagramming gives you a view of the software at different levels of design (e.g., class level, component level, package level).
  • UML provides a common language between software professionals. Because UML is well known, it gives developers and managers a way to communicate in detail about software. That being said, expect to encounter variations in how UML notation is used—it can be difficult to remember UML notation; developers will make mistakes or adapt the notation to their own way of thinking. It can help to provide a legend or explanation of what your notation means.
  • UML diagrams give you a way to tell people about your software’s structure without asking them to look through code. This is nice, for example, when onboarding new developers or communicating with managers.

4.5 Why NOT Use UML?

Some IDEs will automatically generate some types of UML diagrams from your code. This is nice because it’s easy to regenerate your diagram when your code changes. The generated diagrams can sometimes have more detail than you want, however, making them less good for communicating.

There are some drawbacks to UML diagramming:

  • People tend to vary their UML notation, which can cause confusion. Some tips for avoiding that problem include (1) keeping your notation basic and (2) explaining more complex notation.
  • Getting UML notation right can take a lot of time. Remember that diagrams are for communicating. If creating the diagram takes longer than explaining the code a different way, the diagram isn’t helping.
  • UML diagrams can require a lot of maintenance. If your software design changes frequently, so must your UML diagrams if you want them to be accurate. Fortunately, some IDEs can generate some UML diagrams from your code.

4.6 Class Diagrams

A class diagram describes a system’s classes and the static relationships that exist among them. Class diagrams also show properties and operations of a class. Properties represent the structure of a class (e.g., instance variables) and operations represent the functionality provided by the class (e.g., methods; Fowler, 2004).

Figure 4.1 shows an example class diagram. In the diagram, there are relationships between three classes: Customer, Order, and SharedOrder. An Order has one Customer—but the same Customer can be on multiple Orders. A SharedOrder is a type of Order that can have multiple Customers. The classes have attributes (e.g., id) and operations (e.g., getId()).

An example of a sequence diagram
Figure 4.1 Simple Class Diagram

The next section explains each of the notational elements shown in the example.

4.6.1 UML Class Diagram Notation

This section contains some of the most common UML class diagram notation.

A box with text reading "Some text"
Figure 4.2 Note

Note. Notes are for placing comments on class diagrams.

Underneath the section "ClassName" are examples of attributes and operations
Figure 4.3 Class

Note. Attributes are properties that are listed within a class box and the operations are methods. The + indicates a public method, – is private, and # is protected. The notation includes attribute types (e.g., int, Token, etc.), method parameters and return types, and default values for attributes.

Two boxes, "Class 1" and "Class 2," are linked by a horizonal line
Figure 4.4 Association

Note. Association means that a class contains a reference to an object(s) of the other class in the form of a property. In this example, we aren’t told whether Class1 references Class2 or vice versa.

A box, "Class 1," is linked in one direction by an arrow to another box, "Class 2"
Figure 4.5 Unidirectional Association

Note. The arrow indicates that Class1 has a Class2.

Two linked boxes, "Class 1" and "Class 2,” have a property titled "+instance1"
Figure 4.6 Unidirectional Association with Property Name

Note. Class1 has a property named instance1. It is an instance of Class2.

Two linked boxes, "Class 1" and "Class 2," have a property titled "+instance1." Underneath the property is listed "0..1"
Figure 4.7 Unidirectional Association with Property Name and Target Multiplicity

Note. Class1 has a property named instance1 containing zero or one instances of Class2.

Two linked boxes, "Class 1" and "Class 2," have a property. Underneath the property is listed "0..1." Next to box "Class 1" is an asterisk
Figure 4.8 Unidirectional Association with Property Name, Target Multiplicity, and Source Multiplicity

Note. Zero or more instances of Class1 have properties named instance1 containing zero or one instance of Class2.

Two boxes, "Class 1" and "Class 2," are linked by a bidirectional arrow. Next to box "Class 1" is "1." Next to box "Class 2" is an asterisk
Figure 4.9 Bidirectional Association and Target/Source Multiplicity

Note. Class1 has zero or more instances of Class2. Class2 has exactly one instance of Class1.

Two boxes, "Class 1" and "Class 2," are in a column. An arrow from "Class 2" points upwards to "Class 1"
Figure 4.10 Inheritance

Note. Class2 is a subclass of Class1; Class2 is a Class1.

4.6.2 Real-World Class Diagram Examples

These PDFs contain class diagrams for actual software.

If any links are broken, try the Wayback Machine.

4.7 Sequence Diagrams

When making any diagram, know your audience and what you’re trying to communicate. If your audience is a human, they have limited capacity for absorbing tiny details (and probably limited time). Focus on showing them what’s most important in a way they will understand.

A sequence diagram describes interactions between objects. Usually, the diagram shows a single use case or scenario. Sequence diagrams are a type of interaction diagram and are not as good for showing object implementation details.

This section provides an example sequence diagram and commonly used sequence diagram notation. For more detailed information, see Fowler (2004).

In Figure 4.11, the example sequence diagram represents interactions between instances of the Manager, Employee, and Order classes. Manager asks the Employee for a status update, Employee complies, Employee creates an Order, Manager asks Employee to close the shop, Employee closes the Order.

In the example, the columns (called participants) are objects, but this is not always the case. For example, a participant can be a user. Users, if they are human, are sometimes represented as stick figures (without the box). Another possible non-object participant could be a database (although in some cases, a database is considered an object). What’s most important when creating diagrams is not following the rules or conventions but communicating with your audience.

An example of a Simple Sequence Diagram
Figure 4.11 Simple Sequence Diagram

4.7.1 UML Sequence Diagram Notation

Two rectangles, labelled "a Manager" and "an Employee" are side by side
Figure 4.12 Participant

Note. The “columns” of a sequence diagram are each participants. Participants are often objects. The name of the participant goes in the box.

Two boxes, side by side, with a dashed vertical line from the bottom of each box
Figure 4.13 Lifeline

Note. Vertical dashed line represents the life span of the participant. Top is beginning of life, and bottom is the end. Life ends when the participant is deleted.

Two boxes, side by side, with a dashed vertical line from the bottom of each. An arrow, "getStatus()," runs between the lines
Figure 4.14 Message

Note. Interaction from one participant to another is shown by the solid line with arrow. Often a method call.

Two boxes, side by side, with a dashed vertical line from the bottom of each. An arrow, "getStatus()," runs between the lines. There is a box on each line
Figure 4.15 Activation Bar

Note. Box on lifeline indicates when the participant is active. Indicates method is on call stack.

Two boxes with a dashed vertical line from the bottom of each. An arrow, "getStatus()," runs between the lines. Another arrow, “status,” points in the opposite direction
Figure 4.16 Return

Note. Dashed line with arrow indicates method return. Use only when it helps communicate something important about the interaction.

Two boxes with a dashed vertical line from the bottom of each. An arrow, "sumOfChildren()," runs from one line and loops back to the same line
Figure 4.17 Self-Call

Note. Method calling self. Solid line with arrow points back to participant’s own lifeline.

Two boxes with a dashed vertical line from the bottom of each. An arrow runs from the left line to the right. The line on the right terminates with an "X"
Figure 4.18 Deletion

Note. End of participant’s life. Indicated by an X on the lifeline.

4.7.2 Real-World Sequence Diagram Examples

These PDFs contain sequence diagrams for actual software.

If any links are broken, try the Wayback Machine.

4.8 Summary

UML diagrams can be helpful for communicating how your code works. Class diagrams and sequence diagrams are two commonly used types of UML diagrams. Each type of diagram emphasizes some part of the code design while leaving out other parts. UML diagrams are for communicating with humans—not computers.


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