About the Authors

Achury, Susan
Assistant Professor
Texas Christian University
Examining Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in the Legal Profession

Bailey, Christine M.
Department of Political Science
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Walking on Broken Glass

Balcomb, Megan
MBA Candidate
Gordon Ford College of Business
Western Kentucky University
Opposition to Abortion, Then and Now

Bhutani, Ria
Class of ’25
Binghamton University
Before the Robe

Black, Ryan C.
Michigan State University
Judicial Discretion and U.S. Supreme Court Agenda Setting

Carsh, Austin
Oregon State University Honors College
Riddled with Exclusivity

Comparato, Scott A.
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Walking on Broken Glass

Dumas, Tao L., PhD
Assistant Professor
College of New Jersey
How Much is a Leg Worth?

Fikhman, Benjamin
Class of ’23
Vassar College
Before the Robe

Givens, John Wagner
Assistant Professor
School of Government and International Affairs
Kennesaw State University
On Their Best Behavior?

Gleason, Shane A.
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Sciences
Texas A&M University
Walking on Broken Glass

Goelzhauser, Greg
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Utah State University
Intersectional Representation on State Supreme Courts

Hassett, Abigail V.
University of South Carolina
A Matter of Great Importance

Hendricks-Benton, Alyson
MA Student
Department of Political Science
University of Louisville
Opposition to Abortion, Then and Now

Hofer, Scott
Assistant professor
Monmouth University
Examining Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity in the Legal Profession
Time Served

Jeknic, Petar
Trump’s Judges and Diversity

Kraybill, Jeanine E.
Assistant Professor
California State University, Bakersfield
In a Different Voice
Women of SCOTUS

LaClair, Simon
Class of ’24
Vassar College
Before the Robe

Lane, Elizabeth A.
North Carolina University
A Matter of Great Importance
Judicial Discretion and U.S. Supreme Court Agenda Setting

Lynch, Peter S. K.
The Conservative Ideological Drift of Federalist Society-Associated Justices

McLauchlan, William P.
Professor Emeritus of Political Science
Purdue University
An Empirical Examination of the Business of the Montana Supreme Court

Means, Taneisha Nicole
Assistant professor of political science on the class of 1951 chair
Vassar College
Before the Robe

Miller, Mark C.
Professor of Political Science
Director of the Law & Society Program
Clark University (Massachusetts)
The Relationship between the Federal Courts and the Two Congressional Judiciary Committees

Moreno, Carol
Senatorial Speeches from Thomas to Kavanaugh

Moyer, Laura P.
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
University of Louisville
Opposition to Abortion, Then and Now

Pacelle, Richard
University of Tennessee
The Solicitor General of the United States

Price, Richard S.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Weber State University
On Remand

Reid, Rebecca A.
University of Texas at El Paso
Evaluating Regime Support Groups and Judicial Independence

Renberg, Kristen M.
Department of Political Science
Duke University
The Transmission of Legal Precedent in the U.S. Court of Appeals

Rutkowski, Adam G.
Assistant professor
Troy University
Identifying and Explaining the Prevalence of Political Backgrounds among U.S. Courts of Appeals Judges

Saenz, Denise
University of Texas at El Paso
Evaluating Regime Support Groups and Judicial Independence

Schoenherr, Jessica A.
PhD Candidate
Michigan State University
A Matter of Great Importance
Judicial Discretion and U.S. Supreme Court Agenda Setting

Schutte, Rachel A.
Assistant Professor
Hope College
Judicial Discretion and U.S. Supreme Court Agenda Setting

Sluss, Lauren
Senatorial Speeches from Thomas to Kavanaugh

Smith, Craig Alan
Professor of History and Political Science
California University of Pennsylvania
The Appearance of Justice

Solberg, Rorie Spill
Senatorial Speeches from Thomas to Kavanaugh
Trump’s Judges and Diversity

Stone, Molly
Senatorial Speeches from Thomas to Kavanaugh

Stout, Christopher
Trump’s Judges and Diversity

Stumpf, Rory
Class of ’24
Vassar College
Before the Robe

Waltenburg, Eric
Senatorial Speeches from Thomas to Kavanaugh
Trump’s Judges and Diversity


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