
Appendix 6: List of Available Sites, Non-canonical Amino Acids, and Plasmids


Available Expression Plasmids Protein Encoded Antibiotic Resistance Addgene ID
pBad CA native CA thermostable wild-type ampicillin 105665
pBad CA TAG20 CA thermostable TAG20 ampicillin 105666
pBad CA TAG93 CA thermostable TAG93  ampicillin 105667
pBad CA TAG97 CA thermostable TAG97  ampicillin 105668
pBad CA TAG126 CA thermostable TAG126  ampicillin 105836
pBad CA TAG186 CA thermostable TAG186  ampicillin 105837
pBad CA TAG233 CA thermostable TAG233  ampicillin 105838
pBad HPII native Catalase HPII wild-type  ampicillin 105839
pBad HPII TAG206 Catalase HPII TAG206  ampicillin 105846
pBad HPII TAG392 Catalase HPII TAG392  ampicillin 105848
pBad HPII TAG415 Catalase HPII TAG415  ampicillin 105847
pBad HPII TAG568 Catalase HPII TAG568  ampicillin 105845
pBad HPII TAG283 Catalase HPII TAG283  ampicillin 105843
pBad HPII TAG348 Catalase HPII TAG348  ampicillin 105844
pBad sfGFP sfGFP  ampicillin 85482
pBad sfGFP TAG150 sfGFP TAG150  ampicillin 85483

CA: human carbonic anhydrase II thermostable

HPII: E. coli HPII catalase

sfGFP: superfolder green fluorescent protein

Enzyme TAG Site ncAAs for Incorporation

Human thermostable

F20 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y
F93 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y
W97 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y
K126 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y
E186 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y
E233 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y

E. coli

F206 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y
E283 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y
K348 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y
H392 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y
Y415 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y
D568 3-NY, pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pAF, pIF, O-CH3Y



GCE Plasmid Machinery Compatible ncAAs for Incorporation Antibiotic Resistance Addgene ID
pDule-para-aminoPhe pAF pAF tetracycline 85502
pDule-3-nitrotyrosine NitroY 3-NY tetracycline 85498
pDule-pCNF pCNF pAzF, p-NO2F, pBrF, pIF, O-CH3Y tetracycline 85494


ncAA Abbreviations:

  • 3-NY: 3-nitrotyrosine
  • pAzF: para-azidophenylalanine
  • p-NO2F: para-nitrophenylalanine
  • pBrF: para-bromophenylalanine
  • pAF: para-aminophenylalanine
  • pIF: para-iodophenylalanine
  • O-CH3Y: O-methyltyrosine (synonym: 4-methoxy-phenylalanine)


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Chemical Biology & Biochemistry Laboratory Using Genetic Code Expansion Manual Copyright © 2019 by Ryan Mehl, Kari van Zee & Kelsey Keen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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