
Using copyrighted/all rights reserved images and media

Copyrighted images and media

Generally speaking, you should avoid using images that are not in the public domain or licensed in such a way that you may use them (generally with a CC-BY or Pixaby license). This is because you will need permission from the copyright holder to use the image, which takes time and can be expensive.

If you want to use an all-rights reserved image (table, graph, or chart), you are responsible for getting permission from the copyright holder. That generally means emailing or phoning the copyright holder and getting written permission to use the material in an openly-licensed textbook. Please be sure you specify this. Make sure the license permits usage for your intended project. Often licenses are specific to one project and may not be reused in other efforts! Please check the website’s license or terms of use section for details about how and where images or content can be reused.

  • Yes, usage for this purpose is permitted.
    • Include the attribution statement indicated in the license or if none is specified, use the following:© CopyrightHolderName. Used with permission.
  • No, usage for this purpose is NOT permitted.
    • Use another image.

What about fair use?

Fair use may SOMETIMES apply to copyrighted/all rights reserved images and media, but this is determined on a case-by-case basis using the four factor-checklist. Please do not use images or other media from other textbooks, as these generally will not be considered fair use by a court of law.


See also


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

OSU OER Faculty Guide 2nd ed Copyright © by Stefanie Buck and Mark Lane is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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