
Tracking your images and media

Image tracking sheet

OERU will provide you with an image tracking sheet in your project Box folder to help you keep track of where you found the photos, drawings, other images, or content you plan to use in the text. It is very important to keep these tracking sheets up to date.

  • Keep precise records of all sources you reference and cite in your textbook, including images, photographs, drawings, charts, graphs, tables, and video podcasts. (Image tracking sheet  [xmls])
  • If possible, follow resources — be they text or images — back to the original source, so you’re confident that they are genuinely openly licensed.
  • Note the date when accessing an online resource and its URL or web address.
  • Record all the information you will need to cite a resource properly. Do not simply take a screenshot of the image you want but follow it to its original source.
  • If your textbook requires conducting interviews, record them. Consider asking the subjects you interview to sign an interview consent and release form (see word file below). Taking these steps clarifies for the interview subject the purpose of the interview and how and where their words will be used.

See also



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OSU OER Faculty Guide 2nd ed Copyright © by Stefanie Buck and Mark Lane is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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