
I. Setting the Stage

Chapter 2. Selecting and Assessing the Leadership

Dr. Ed Ray

Chapter Overview

Many leadership models discuss leaders and followers and suggest that leadership is a process by which a leader influences followers to achieve a common goal. Leaders who see their colleagues as followers are not likely to be successful. Effective management of many actions central to the operation of a college or university rely on delegated authority. Consequently, the skills, motivation, and dedication of those with delegated authority and the ability of the leader to match individual talents with organizational needs and to hold individuals accountable for acceptable performance are critical to overall success. It is essential for the leader to assemble the right team.

  • Getting the wrong people off the bus.

A common regret of academic leaders is that when they realized they needed to replace members of their leadership team, they acted too slowly. Some leaders ask for the resignation of all direct reports immediately, which suggests that loyalty to the leader is what should be most important to direct reports and that each of them is expendable. Generally, there is no quick answer to identifying the need for staff changes, but decisions require a case-by-case analysis, and changes must be handled with respect and grace. Everyone who remains is watching. What is best practice for making personnel changes?

  • Creating a championship team and not just an all-star team.

The team with the best players is not always the best leadership team. How does one create a great team?

About the author


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A Handbook of Higher Education Leadership Copyright © 2024 by Dr. Ed Ray is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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