
Publishing FAQ

  1. How long should my OER textbook be? A textbook should be long enough to be thorough but not so long as to disengage your reader. We recommend a total length of no more than 150,000 words or about 250-300 pages single-spaced, 12-point font.
  2. How long should a chapter in my OER textbook be? Chapters need to be concise and readable. If the chapter is too long, you will lose student engagement. We recommend a chapter length of about 3,000-5,000 (10-11 pages) words with no more than 8,000 words (17-20 pages) single-spaced, including your bibliography and references.
  3. Where do I store my files? You will be provided with a project folder on Box. This is where you should submit/store your manuscript, images, tables, and other files.
  4. How should I format my manuscript? Please read the section Formatting your manuscript: The basics and Manuscript formatting and style guide for details.
  5. How do I get an ISBNAn ISBN will automatically be assigned to your work upon publication. If you prefer a DOI, please contact Stefanie (stefanie.buck@oregonstate.edu).
  6. How will my OER be shared? Please see the section on Marketing for details.
  7. Which Creative Commons license should I choose? There are 4 licenses you may choose from. Your choice will depend on how you want your work to be used downstream. It will depend on how comfortable you are letting others modify your work or use it commercially.  Please consult with the OERU about your licensing options.




Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

OSU OER Faculty Guide 2nd ed Copyright © by Stefanie Buck and Mark Lane is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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