Maintain the book
Reporting errors
Regardless of how carefully a book is copyedited and proofread, it will probably contain errors after publication. OERU uses an Errata Form to keep track of changes.
Generally speaking, OERU will make minor fixes and changes to your textbook within 48 hours and record the changes made to your text on a Versioning page. If the change requires it, the OERU staff will contact you regarding the requested change.
The OERU asks that major revisions wait until winter or summer break. This will prevent significant changes from happening while the text is in use. This may result in a version update or a new edition. Please consult with the OERU before beginning any significant revisions or updates to your text.
OERU will conduct regular (annual) link checking of your text. The OERU will take care of this change for links that can be easily fixed. If the OERU cannot fix the link easily, we will contact you to ask you what you would like us to do. In some cases, we will add a note to the link that it is no longer active. If you find a link that is not working in your text, please notify the OERU using the Errata Form, and we will fix the issue.
Usage statistics
OERU uses Google Analytics and Data Studio to track how and where your textbook is being used. Your textbook will have a traffic analysis link where you can check the number of users and downloads of your text.