
Proofreading and copy editing


The proofreading phase should not be skipped, as it’s the last opportunity to mold your textbook into a work that contains coherent writing, consistent styling and layout, and correct grammar and spelling.

  1. Proofreading is typically an iterative process whereby a manuscript is scanned one or more times until it is error-free — or as close to error-free as is humanly possible.
  2. If someone is proofreading your text, provide the proofreader with the most recent version of the style sheet and style guides as references.
  3. Some proofreaders report that it’s easier to identify errors on the printed page. If the textbook has been written in an online system, clarify if this is the proofreader’s preferred manner of working and whether there are time and money to accommodate this extra step. Corrections made on the printed page must be entered into the manuscript of the book by either the proofreader or the faculty author.

Copy editing

The OERU works with professional copy editors. Copy editing services are a part of the grant funding. The OERU will coordinate the copy-editing process with you. However, it is essential that once the manuscript comes back from copy-editing, you accept or reject changes the copy editors have made within a reasonable time frame (about 10 working days). The manuscript may need to go back to the copy editors more than once, so please be prompt with your corrections.

The final check

Once the copy-edited manuscript comes back from copy editing, it’s a good idea to conduct one last review. This task should be done by someone with an eye for detail. That way, if they are required to make corrections, it won’t disrupt the completed copy editing and proofreading. (Needless to say, the style sheet and style guide should be referenced during this work.)

Once you have approved the final check, the manuscript can no longer be edited except for minor corrections.

You will have an opportunity to give a final review of your text before it is published in Pressbooks. Any errors or changes must be noted in the errata sheet provided by OERU.


This chapter is an adaptation of How to Proofread (in Self-Publishing Guide) by Lauri Aesoph, and is used under a CC BY 4.0 license.



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OSU OER Faculty Guide 2nd ed Copyright © by Stefanie Buck and Mark Lane is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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