H5P activities list

This book includes 656 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
361Ch 17.3 Q2Multiple Choice
362Ch 8.4 Q1Multiple Choice
3633. Aging and damaged erythrocytes are removed from the circulation by ________. Multiple Choice
3644. A patient has been suffering for 2 months with a chronic, watery diarrhea. A blood test is likely to reveal ________. Multiple Choice
365Ch 17.4 Q1Multiple Choice
366Ch 17.4 Q2Multiple Choice
367Ch 17.4 Q3Multiple Choice
368Ch 17.4 Q4Multiple Choice
369Ch 17.4 Q5Multiple Choice
370Ch 17.5 Q1Multiple Choice
371Ch 17.5 Q2Multiple Choice
372Ch 17.5 Q3Multiple Choice
373Ch 17.6 Q1Multiple Choice
374Ch 17.6 Q2Multiple Choice
375Ch 17.6 Q3Multiple Choice
376Ch 18.1 Q1Multiple Choice
377Ch 18.1 Q2Multiple Choice
378Ch 18.1 Q3Multiple Choice
379Ch 18.1 Q4Multiple Choice
380Ch 18.1 Q5Multiple Choice
1 17 18 19 20 21 33