CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives) English
Author(s): Christy Anderson Brekken, Joe Hobson
Subject(s): Law: wills, probate, succession, inheritance
Publisher: Oregon State University
Last updated: 01/03/2024
CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial) English
Author(s): Holly V. Campbell
Subject(s): International law, transport and commerce: maritime law
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Data dashboard (through 7/31/23)
Author(s): Andrew Millison
Subject(s): Sustainable agriculture
CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) English
Author(s): John Morris, Julie Zwart
Subject(s): Writing and editing guides
Author(s): Adam L. Lambert, PhD
Subject(s): Mathematical and statistical software
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Author(s): Daniel Faltesek
Subject(s): Media studies
Author(s): John Morris
Subject(s): Business and Management
Please note that an updated edition of this textbook is available at
CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) English
Author(s): Allison L. Hurst
Subject(s): Sociology
Author(s): Emily van Zee, Elizabeth Gire
Subject(s): Physics
Author(s): Melissa Scherr, Gail Langellotto
Editor(s): Daniel Adams, Baylee Bullock
Subject(s): Insects (entomology)