CC BY (Attribution) English
Author(s): Collected works
Editor(s): Rorie Spill Solberg
Subject(s): Government powers, Legal systems: courts and procedures
Institution(s): Oregon State University
Publisher: Oregon State University
Last updated: 01/08/2024
Subject(s): Legal systems: courts and procedures, Human rights, civil rights
This volume focuses on the constitutional doctrine and law in the areas of civil rights and liberties. It contains excerpts of landmark cases covering the first amendment, second amendment, fourteenth amendment and the right to privacy. The excerpts include the constitutional issues in these cases that are related to civil rights and liberties with other questions of law and dicta omitted.
CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial) English
Author(s): Collected Works
Editor(s): Dr. Ed Ray
Subject(s): Higher education, tertiary education
Last updated: 21/05/2024
Author(s): Gita Cherian
Subject(s): Veterinary nutrition
Last updated: 07/05/2024
CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike) English
Author(s): Patrick M. Emerson
Subject(s): Microeconomics
Last updated: 18/04/2024
Author(s): Eric Hansen & Heikki Juslin
Subject(s): Forestry industry
Last updated: 11/04/2024
Data dashboardAdoption Form
Data dashboard (through 7/31/23)
Author(s): David A. Hendrix
Subject(s): Computational biology / bioinformatics
Last updated: 28/03/2024
Author(s): Linda Bruslind
Subject(s): Microbiology (non-medical)
Last updated: 19/03/2024
Author(s): Sushma Naithani
Subject(s): Botany and plant sciences
Last updated: 07/03/2024
CC BY-SA (Attribution ShareAlike) English
Author(s): Brian D. Wood
Subject(s): Engineering: general
Last updated: 04/03/2024